LESSON SUMMARY: This lesson focuses on the craft art of bookbinding through the work of Maria G. Pisano as examples. Students will experience the art of bookmaking and the many different ways that they can be constructed by creating two separate books. During this exploration, one “standard” book will be made and will focus on the identity of the high school student through their medium of choice on the cover. This first book will be given to students in another school district to create a real-world connection between students. A second book will be constructed for experimentation and for personal student use.
Grade Level(s): 9-12
Big Idea: Assemblage
Essential Questions
1. What is bookbinding?
2. How is book arts important to everyday life?
3. How is book arts important to visual art making?
Visual and Performing Arts Standards
1.2.12.A.2 - Justify the impact of innovations in the arts (e.g., the availability of music online) on societal norms and habits of mind in various historical eras.
Once the students understand bookbinding, they will see the impact past innovations as well as recent innovations have on one another.
1.4.12.B.2 - Evaluate how an artist’s technical proficiency may affect the creation or presentation of a work of art, as well as how the context in which a work is performed or shown may impact perceptions of its significance/meaning.
Evaluating the artists ability to neatly construct their two books and discussing how the creation of the book affects the purpose of the assemblage.
1.4.12.A.2- Speculate on the artist’s intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.
During critique the students will be asked to draw conclusions from clues given within an artwork on what their cover is about. They will be expected to use relevant bookbinding terms as well as principles / elements of art and design terminology.
21st Century Learning Skills
9.1.12.A.1 - Apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies during structured learning experiences.
During the book arts process, the student will have to apply problem-solving skills to properly construct their work of art.
English Language Arts Standards
Ela-Literacy.W.11-12.2e - Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Once the students assemble their book-art to be given to elementary students in a different district, they will be asked to write a short, concise bio about themselves in a formal style for the other students to read.
1. SWBAT demonstrate the ability of bookbinding by successfully and neatly stitching and/or gluing together parent sheets to form a cohesive book.
2. SWBAT create a short paragraph that reflects on the identity of the student by use of proper grammar, formatting, and writing technique.
3. SWBAT design a book cover that reflects on the identity of the student through personal choice of medium and apply their own techniques.
4. SWBAT interpret the work of Maria Pasino and construct an additional book, through bookbinding, by using one of her many examples as a different form of assemblage.
Lesson Experience:
Day 1 - The students enter the classroom and piles of books will be placed upon the table. Questions will be asked to the students about their general knowledge of how books had first been created and when they became industrialized. From there, they will focus on the process of binding, and how important it is as a functional craft. They will learn about the process of assemblage. An introduction of the artist, Maria Pasino will be given to the students. From there they will be given a two handouts; one with general terms for proper bookbinding and a second on the parts of a book. They will then be asked to join the teacher at the demo table for a folding demo, so the students learn how to properly fold papers. From there, they will be asked to fold their own pages, and create 4 signatures of 5 folios. As they are doing this, questions will be asked about the terms and help and assistance will be given.
Day 2 - The students will participate in a short recap activity from the knowledge they have learned the previous day. From there, they will be given bookbinding / assemblage handouts that will help them follow along the binding process properly. The second demo will be given, where the students will follow along so they dont fall behind; this demo is the stitching demo. It is best to have students stitch while you are instructing because it can be confusing and difficult to do independently the first time. Once the demo is done, check the stitching and the folds with the students. If it is done improperly, it should be attempted to be done again. (This lesson is designed so the first book is donated to another classroom for sketchbook / student use). A recap on assemblage will be preformed throughout the class, and the students will be asked to brainstorm their book covers.
Day 3 - The students will be asked to discuss their book covers amongst one another to help students further develop ideas. The cover binding demo will be given to the students. They will be asked to handle their tools with care, so they do not hurt themselves with the box cutters. If necessary, feel free to precut the materials for them to prevent injury. Once the cover is placed together, it will be illustrated, collaged etc without the pages being added to the interior to prevent any additional materials to be accidentally touched on the blank pages inside. They should have the cover concept approved by the teacher before fully creating to make sure it is school appropriate and appropriate for young children. The students will have the rest of the class to design their covers. When the class comes to a close, the students will be asked to discuss their progress with one another to help problem solve any issues they encounter when working.
Day 4 - The students should begin finishing up their covers on this day. They will be asked to write out a short artist bio about themselves, and paste it into the back cover of their assembled book. Before the final draft is pasted into the cover, it should be proof read by another student for spelling and grammar errors as well as appropriate subject matter. Finally, the teacher will do a quick demo on how to properly adhere the pages into the book. The students will then adhere their interior pages into their books. After this is done, they have created their first book of the lesson! They will be asked to discuss with the class any problems they encountered, and any additional feed back on creating their first book. They now may begin working on their second book. As they saw from the artist, there are many forms of bookbinding and assemblage. The second book could be done in a second format. As shown in the examples below, there is the standard book as well as an accordion fold book to accompany as the second book. The student is able to choose their second book format and begin creating. Demos will be given as necessary to projects.
Day 5 - On the final day of the lesson plan, the students will be expected to complete their second book. The artists bio does not have to be written for the second book because the student may keep these for personal use. They also may design a school appropriate cover for their second book as well. The teacher will accompany the students as needed. A summative rubric will be given to the students at the end of the lesson, as well as verbal critique among the students.
Lesson Analysis